A vision, a artwork, a community to heal the world

Archipel is an artistic universe imagined by Yacine AIT KACI and led by Adeline PILON, expressed through multiple forms: immersive experiences, mappings, exhibitions, performances—an imaginary world with a tangible impact on the real world. Traveling across the globe, Archipel weaves connections with local communities, with each stop becoming a unique encounter where art engages in dialogue with the environment and societal issues.

Relying on the expertise of local organizations, this work draws inspiration from concrete actions taken on the ground. More than just an immersive experience, Archipel creates a lasting impact by structuring a reserve of certified carbon credits, thus materializing the convergence between art and transformation.

09.24 new-york city

Metasia is performed during the NY Climate Week


Metasia and an exhibition around Archipel is hosted by Polaris Art Center.

06.25 nice

Archipel, in the context of the United Nations Oceans Conference

06.25 rio de janeiro, BR

Metasia and an installation from Archipel is hosted by FILE Festival

12.25 TBD, BR

Archipel, in the context of COP30


Archipel continues its World Tour to Assemble the islands


” Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. “

Carl Sagan

Astronomer and Planetary scientist

They JOINed US


9 + 8 =

ARCHIPEL: 3 Approaches to Go Further

ARCHIPEL is an immersive installation designed as a journey through metaphorical islands. Each island represents a territory, an identity, a challenge, or a solution to the social and climate upheavals we face. The audience freely explores these spaces, moving from the intimate to the universal, where nature and humanity, the local and the global, converge. This artistic journey is enriched by the collaboration of local actors, grounding the artistic narrative in the region where ARCHIPEL unfolds. ARCHIPEL invites us to rethink our relationship with the world and with others, bringing forth a renewed vision of coexistence and transformation. 

  • Local actors at the heart of the creative process

    ARCHIPEL’s artistic process relies on collaboration with local civil society organizations, which contribute to the creation of the islands by sharing their on-the-ground expertise. In each edition, a carbon credit reserve is established, strengthening the project’s long-term impact. ARCHIPEL raises awareness through immersive experiences while supporting local initiatives. For example, the UNOC edition will fund the planting of Posidonia in the Mediterranean, and the COP30 edition will focus on the restoration of mangroves in Brazil, while allocating part of the funds to educational and social projects.


    • Metasia, an innovative performance blending music, live creation in virtual reality, and artificial intelligence

    METASIA is the performance associated with ARCHIPEL. Inspired by *Fantasia* by W. Disney and L. Stokowski, the performance blends music and architectural gestures. A guest musician plays a traditional instrument, while Yacine AIT KACI uses virtual reality and generative AI to bring a new island to life in real time. This innovative performance combines music, dance, and live virtual reality sculpture, thereby establishing an enriching dialogue between tradition and modernity.

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